In order to address some of the anticipated
questions regarding the EAS-CAP Industry Group, we offer the
following FAQ:
Q1) Why is developing an EAS-CAP
Implementation Guide important?
A) Prior to the formation of the EAS-CAP
Industry Group, numerous progressive companies were already
involved in CAP messaging for EAS. However, each vendor used
its own method for transporting the EAS parameters within a CAP
message, raising the potential challenge of various EAS
equipment and systems not being able to communicate with each
other. The advent of this EAS-CAP Implementation Guide will provide the
basis for interoperability both among next generation EAS
equipment and services, as well as between the EAS community and
other communications channels.
Q2) I notice that your website says your Group has “released a draft
Implementation Guide”. Does this mean
you are still working on the final Implementation Guide?
A) Yes, that is correct. The draft
Implementation we initially released is our starting point, but we believe we
can improve on the document with input from the EAS/CAP community
at large. We very much welcome and encourage comments from all
interested parties. Please send us your comments using our
Public Discussion List. We will eventually adopt a finalized
version of the profile, but we do not have a timeline for that
step at this point.
Q3) Is your Implementation Guide different from
the one FEMA will eventually adopt for use nationwide for EAS?
A) We are offering our Implementation Guide
to FEMA for
consideration as a starting point for the FEMA CAP profile they
will eventually adopt. There may be some differences in the
FEMA CAP Profile, as a result of that agency’s unique
organizational mission for EAS. However, we are optimistic that
a Profile adopted by FEMA based on CAP 1.2 would be accommodated
by users of the EAS-CAP Implementation Guide, with some modifications. We
would expect to update the EAS-CAP Implementation Guide in light of
future decisions by FEMA for their national CAP profile.
There are a growing number of CAP-based EAS
systems in the field today, and integration of this EAS-CAP
profile into existing and planned systems will lay a foundation
for migration to an upcoming FEMA CAP profile.
Q4) Will you do actual device-to-device
compatibility testing?
A) The Industry Group is currently
developing Test Vectors for all vendors to use in testing their
devices on an individual basis, but no live device-to-device
testing is planned at this time. We feel that each vendor using
the individual tests within the Test Vector suite to be certain
that their device reacts properly to each test will result in
adequate compatibility testing.
Q5) What do you as a Group want to
happen next?
A) We hope that FEMA accepts our
Implementation Guide as
its starting point, and will use it as the basis for a mandated
Profile based on CAP 1.2 that is substantially similar to the
one we developed.
Q6) What will the cost of EAS-CAP
Decoders be, and can the member vendors in your Group supply the
nation with EAS-CAP Decoders in 180 days?
A) The purpose of this group is solely to
develop technical standards to promote interoperability among
EAS vendors in the context of the CAP 1.1 Standard. Issues of
price, availability, and other marketing and sales questions are
beyond the scope of this group. The EAS-CAP Industry Group does
not in any way inform or participate in the business or
competitive decisions of participating members. In fact,
industry group members do not – and are not permitted to –
engage in any discussion whatsoever relating to product/service
pricing, methods or channels of product distribution, any
division of markets, or allocation of customers or any other
topic that should not be discussed among competitors.
Q7) Do you have a spokesperson to
answer media questions?
A) No, we do not. The EAS-CAP Industry
Group has operated as a collaborative effort throughout the
challenging task of developing the profile, and that model has
served us well to this point. We feel that the unique
cooperative yet competitive nature of our Group members is best
served in our continued collaboration on all aspects of our
Group’s activities, including addressing questions from the
media. We ask that the media submit any questions not answered
in this FAQ to our Contact Us web page, and we will make every
effort to answer questions in a timely manner.
A) Our aim in copyrighting our document is
first and foremost for this to remain a free and open protocol.
Copyrighting is intended to prevent inappropriate use by any
individual, company, or organization. The EAS-CAP Industry
Group invites implementation and use of, and reference to, its
recommendations and work product. We merely ask users to
include an appropriate and clear citation and/or acknowledgement
notice of the use of the source material. Anyone is free to
photocopy our document or to use portions of it in a news story,
but the rights to the ownership of the actual content of the
document are retained by the EAS-CAP Industry Group.